Protecting Your Parents From Elder Financial Abuse
How to help your family avoid scams and other fraud.

Getting it All Together
Where is everything? Time to organize and centralize your documents - here is a list and step-by-step instructions for you to consider.

Annual Financial To-Do List
What financial, business or life priorities do you need to address for 2014? Now is a good time to think about the investing, saving or budgeting methods you could employ toward specific objectives. Some year-end financial moves may prove crucial to the pursuit of those goals as well.

What Women Should Not Retire Without
When our parents retired, living to 75 amounted to a nice long life and Social Security was often supplemented by a pension. How different things are today! The good news is that life expectancy for women – as measured by the Centers for Disease Control – is now 81.1 years. The Social Security Administration estimates that the average 65-year-old woman today will live to age 86. Given these projections, it appears that a retirement of 20 years or longer might be in your future.
Filial Support Laws
Ever hear of “filial piety”? How about “filial support”? Some attorneys and retirement planners are wondering if more nursing homes will use these laws to force adult children to pay their parents’ long term care bills...
7 Retirement Assumptions to Reassess
What makes financial sense for some may not make sense for you.
How LTC Insurance Can Help Protect Your Assets
As baby boomers leave their careers behind, long term care insurance will become very important in their financial strategies. The reasons to get an LTC policy after age 50 are very compelling.
Moving Into a Nursing Home Facility
At some point, someone you love may make the transition from living at home to residing at an assisted living or nursing home facility. When should that transition occur, and what factors must be considered along the way? And what don’t these facilities tell you about?