When Worlds Collide: Russia Invades Ukraine
Vladimir Putin launched an invasion of Ukraine late last month - here are some thoughts from the desk of Eric Hagen

Taking Charge of Your Financial Life
Delegating responsibilities to others may lead to problems down the road.

2021 Last Chance Financial Planning Checklist
Shape up your personal finances for a great year-end!

5 Highlights of the New Stimulus Package
What the latest round of funding may mean for you.

End-of-Year Money Moves
Here are some things you might consider before saying goodbye to 2020.

![Complimentary Shredding [Spring Cleaning!]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/648c6df3d50397623855b25e/1695327732345-2FJ94IZBO2U53GNMEILU/20180830_141313.jpg)
Complimentary Shredding [Spring Cleaning!]
Bring your unwanted & unneeded documents to our office & we’ll take care of shredding them for you.

"Backdoor" Roth IRAs
If you make too much money to open a Roth IRA, you could create one this way.

Details on the Tax Deadline Extension
The I.R.S. is giving you three additional months to file and pay.

Key Provisions of the CARES Act
Distributions can be waived in 2020 for Inherited Accounts, 401(k)s, and IRAs.

Coronavirus, Past Epidemics, & the Stock Market
A look at how previous epidemics impacted the stock market in the U.S. & around the world.

Certain Uncertainties in Retirement
Two financial unknowns may erode our degree of confidence.

Could Assumptions Harm Your Retirement Strategy?
Three common misconceptions to think about.

Reducing the Risk of Outliving Your Money
What steps might help you sustain and grow your retirement savings?

Retirement Now vs. Retirement Then
Today’s retirees must be more self-reliant than their predecessors.