Weekly Economic Video Update for 6/10/13

http://www.TwinCitiesRetirement.com WEEKLY QUOTE "We are an impossibility in an impossible universe." - Ray Bradbury WEEKLY TIP You can't control what happens with interest rates or stocks in the future; you can control the amount you save for retirement. Boosting your personal savings ratio may bring you closer toward your retirement savings objective.

WEEKLY QUOTE “We are an impossibility in an impossible universe.” - Ray Bradbury

WEEKLY TIP You can’t control what happens with interest rates or stocks in the future; you can control the amount you save for retirement. Boosting your personal savings ratio may bring you closer toward your retirement savings objective.

WEEKLY RIDDLE What runs around a field, but doesn't move? 

Last week’s riddle: There is a word that starts and ends with T, and contains “tea” as well. What word is this?

Last week’s answer: Teapot.



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